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Unique Features of Authorization


Security & Authorization

The plantation companies are generally consists of many business units, many function levels and remote locations. Thus require authorization that can represent requirements of each line of business and function.
OWL-Plantation equipped with unique features related to security and authorization. Each user should be granted access based on the level, position, organizational structure of business, even giving different permissions to the same function.
All users activities recorded in the activity log, so that an access audit can be perform at any time.

Golden Plaza D' Best Fatmawati, Lottemart Blok E No.12a, Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12420
Telp: 021 75814667,7509951
Hp: +62 (0)818999949
Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com