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  • OWL-Plantation System(ERP)
    • OWL-Plantation System is a web-based application, and built specifically to meet the needs of companies engaged in the plantation. The unique characteristics of plantation management bring OWL-Plantation System to be special.

      The plantation company generally manages a lot of business units and wide areas. Locations of the business units are generally located in remote areas. Thus it can be ensured that data access is something expensive. To answer these challenges OWL-Plantation System designed specifically and using web technologies, so that data consumption's over the network is very light also small data growth.

      Because the managed areas are very wide, then it is likely to be frequent changes in local policies. Thus the application system used must also be able to accommodate possible changes and differences of policy between the business units. To answer that challenge, OWL-Plantation System was built upon the open source platforms with the specific design, so it makes easy to customize and easy to develop.

      Because OWL-Plantation System devoted to plantation companies, the modules available are definitely specific to the plantation. The complete list of modules available here.

  • OWL-Plantation Business Intelligent(Graphical & Map)
  • OWL-Plantation Mobile (Android)
    • A plantation company is a labor-intensive business, so the labor savings would have been very beneficial for the company. One way to reduce the administrative worker is the use of OWL-Mobile. OWL-Mobile is digitizing Foreman Daily Book (BKM), FFB Transport Book (SPB) and Harvesting Book. Conventional forms of books or papers are replaced with digital handsets, so it does not need re-recording (double input). BKM, SPB and Harvesting Book are directly uploaded (synchronize) to the server by the foreman or the authorized officer. Clerical worker automatically reduced.

      Other benefits are the speed and accuracy of data. With the elimination of the double-input, then the possibility of data errors can be reduced and the speed of data flow can be improved. New features on OWL-Mobile are the ability to run BarCode / qRCode transaction-based, GPS and Camera.


  • OWL-Digital Ombrometer

    This tool can stand alone because it has a solar panel as a power source. Easy maintenance, just clean every three months. Data retrieval can be through an application on a mobile phone or if it is connected to a network it can send data automatically to the server.

  • OWL-Mobile Fingerprint

    To ensure employee attendance at each job and a more accurate allocation of costs to the costs of employees who work more than one job a day. This tool is very helpful apart from the above, this tool can also be carried easily because of its small size. Can be equipped with GPS for attendance detection where and can also be integrated directly with OWL-Mobile Apps and OWL-ERP.

  • CPO Storage Gauge Sensor - oDSou-2023

    OWL-Plantation System is proud to present a new product in early 2023. It is a gauge sensor for CPO storage. We named this product oDSou-2023. This tool is unique, because besides being able to measure stock volume, this sensor can also find out if the storege has water, dirt sediment at the bottom of the storage.
    This tool is very helpful for sounding calculations at the Mill, and if the customer still prefers manual sounding as a reference for production and stock, this tool can also be used as a counter-audit (comparison).

Product Demo Video:

Golden Plaza D' Best Fatmawati, Lottemart Blok E No.12a, Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12420
Telp: 021 75814667,7509951
Hp: +62 (0)818999949
Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com