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Thank you for your visit to the OWL-Plantation booth.


"Projected prices were raised in IPOC has become the main reference to business practitioners all over the world. This analysis will be one of the references in the process of decision making," said Chairperson 12th IPOC and 2017 Price Outlook, Mona Surya in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Thursday ( 24.11.2016).

According to Mona, Indonesia is as it should be a reference in any aspect related to the palm oil industry. Given Indonesia is the world's largest palm oil producer with a production of 33 million tons.

In the market of vegetable oil, palm oil became the holder of the largest market share compared to other vegetable oils produced by America and Europe such as soybean oil, sunflower, canola, corn oil, and others.

"With regard to price projection, from the IPOC previous years always accurate, this will further strengthen our belief that Indonesia is the mecca of the world's palm oil," said Mona who is also the Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki).

Thank you for your visit to the OWL-Plantation booth at the GAPKI Conference 2016 in Nusa Dua Bali, which was held on 23 to 25 Nov 2016. We appreciate your visits and discussions with. In the upcoming (2017) we will also be present at the same event.

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Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com