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New Product Release (oDSou-2023)


OWL-Plantation System is proud to present a new product in early 2023. The product we released in early 2023 is a sounding sensor for CPO storage. We named this product oDSou-2023

This tool is unique, because besides being able to measure stock volume, this sensor can also find out if the storege has water at the bottom.

The way this tool works is by a) using a laser to measure the height of the liquid surface and temperature. b) using 3 floats to determine the density of the contents of the storage.

This tool is very helpful for sounding calculations at the Mill, and if the customer still prefers manual sounding as a reference for production and stock, this tool can also be used as a counter-audit (comparison).

Golden Plaza D' Best Fatmawati, Lottemart Blok E No.12a, Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12420
Telp: 021 75814667,7509951
Hp: +62 (0)818999949
Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com