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Fortius Wajo Perkebunan Project Closure


Implementation of OWL-Plantation System at PT. Fortius Wajo Perkebunan was the shortest and the best performance achieved by OWL-Plantation System related to the time table. Kick-Off was held on 15th Jan 2016 and closure was held on March 16, 2016.

Implementation completed in a short of time because PT. Fortius Wajo Perkebunan's team was well prepared. Preparations include the personnel capability and data preparation.


Congratulation for PT. Fortius Wajo Perkebunan!

Golden Plaza D' Best Fatmawati, Lottemart Blok E No.12a, Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12420
Telp: 021 75814667,7509951
Hp: +62 (0)818999949
Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com