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Award from Sawit Indonesia as a Palm Oil Plantation ERP Solution


For 12 years OWL-Plantation has been present in the midst of the Indonesian oil palm plantation industry, and continues to grow to create innovations in contributing to increased production, cost efficiency and ease of management in the industrial segment of the plantation industry and palm oil mills in Indonesia and the world.

Many challenges have been faced during our 12 years of existence, and these challenges have made OWL-Plantation more mature in creating products and serving customers.

At the end of 2022 we received an award from the Indonesian Palm Oil community as "The ERP Solution of Choice for the palm oil plantation industry". Thank you - Sawit Indonesia

Golden Plaza D' Best Fatmawati, Lottemart Blok E No.12a, Jl. Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12420
Telp: 021 75814667,7509951
Hp: +62 (0)818999949
Email: nangkoel@owl-plantation.com

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