Trustworthy ERP Plantation Business Solution
OWL-Plantation System is a product of PT.Origin Wiracipta Lestari. PT. Origin Wiracipta Lestari was established in Jakarta (Indonesia) on 28 Feb, 2011. The shareholders are domestic company, PT. Ninox Sakti Indonesia and Minanga Ogan Group. The number of employees of PT. Origin Wiracipta Lestari in 2011 was 8 employees. As the high demand for services from the customer, PT. Origin Wiracipta Lestari continues to recruit new employees. In January 2016 the numbers of employees of PT. Origin Wiracipta Lestari are 22 employees.
OWL-Plantation System has been registered at the Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Indonesia in 2013 with the number 066493 dated July 4, 2013.
Who was in the kitchen?
We are only the man that still feels young (of course young) and love the plantation culture & environment. There is no old man in our kitchen, and we only cook for those who still feel young. In a sense that the 'secret' is just a word of freedom of expression and the 'ruler' is a word to be creative.
The whole of our personnel are true planters. We are grateful to our teachers: H. Dachri Nasution, Parlindungan Siregar, Ahmad Mubarak, Ir. Mona Surya, Al Imron, Hj. Partini Kusmiarti. All of our teachers are still young, we just call them seniors.
We designed OWL-Plantation System with open source technologies, both back-end and front-end.
The main purpose of the use of open-source platform is to invite public participation in development, as well as each customer is free to customize without any restrictions.